By way of preparing two conference contributions for major academic conferences this year, I compiled the following bibliography of primary and secondary sources. As I proceed with my research I will revise this post. Moreover, I invite other scholars to contribute to the lists by sending me suggestions via the contact form.
Seventeenth Century Editions
Polyander, Johannes, Andreas Rivet, Antonius Walaeus, and Antonius Thysius. 1625. Synopsis Purioris Theologiae, Disputationibus Quinquaginta Duabus Comprehensa. Leiden: Elzevir.
———. 1632. Synopsis Purioris Theologiae, Disputationibus Quinquaginta Duabus Comprehensa. Editio secunda, priori emendatior. Leiden: Elzevir.
———. 1642. Synopsis Purioris Theologiae, Disputationibus Quinquaginta Duabus Comprehensa. Editio tertia, prioribus emendatior. Leiden: Elzevir.
———. 1652. Synopsis Purioris Theologiae, Disputationibus Quinquaginta Duabus Comprehensa. Editio quarta, prioribus emendatior. Leiden: Elzevir.
———. 1658a. Synopsis Purioris Theologiae, Disputationibus Quinquaginta Duabus Comprehensa. Editio quinta, prioribus emendatior. Amsterdam: Johannes Ravensteyn.
———. 1658b. Synopsis Purioris Theologiae, Disputationibus Quinquaginta Duabus Comprehensa. Editio quinta, prioribus emendatior. Leiden: Elzevir.
Modern Editions / Translations
Bavinck, Herman, ed. 1881. Synopsis purioris theologiae, disputationibus 52 duabus comprehensa. Leiden: Donner.
Dijk, Dirk van. 1964. Synopsis of overzicht van de zuiverste Theologie. 2 vols. Enschede: Boersma.
Velde, Dolf te, ed. 2014. Synopsis Purioris Theologiae Synopsis of a Purer Theology Latin Text and English Translation Volume 1 / Disputations 1-23. Translated by Riemer A. Faber. Studies in Medieval and Reformation Traditions. Leiden: Brill.
Secondary Literature
Belt, Henk van den. 2012. “The Vocatio in the Leiden Disputations (1597-1631): The Influence of the Arminian Controversy on the Concept of the Divine Call to Salvation.” Church History & Religious Culture 92 (4): 539–59.
———. 2015a. “Developments in Structuring of Reformed Theology: The Synopsis Purioris Theologiae (1625) as Example.” In Reformation und Rationalität, 289–312. Refo500 Academic Studies 17. Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht.
———. 2015b. Puur en ongezoet: gereformeerde orthodoxie in de Synopsis Purioris Theologiae (1625). Baarn: Willem de Zwijgerstichting.
———. 2015c. “Spiritual and Bodily Freedom.” Journal of Reformed Theology 9 (2): 148–65.
Broeyer, F. G. M. 2005. “Theological Education at the Dutch Universities in the Seventeenth Century: Four Professors on Their Ideal of the Curriculum.” Dutch Review of Church History / Nederlands Archief Voor Kerkgeschiedenis 85 (1): 115–32.
De Lind van Wijngaarden, Jan Daniël. 1891. Antonius Walaeus. Leiden: G. Los.
Eekhof, A. 1921. De theologische faculteit te Leiden in de 17de eeuw. Utrecht: G.J.A. Ruys.
Faber, Riemer. 2012. “The Synopsis Purioris Theologiae (1625): Aspects of Composition, Content, and Context.” Church History & Religious Culture 92 (4): 499–501.
Faber, Riemer A. 2012. “Scholastic Continuities in the Reproduction of Classical Sources in the Synopsis Purioris Theologiae.” Church History & Religious Culture 92 (4): 561–79.
Honders, H.J. 1930. Andreas Rivetus Als Invloedrijk Gereformeerd Theoloog in Holland’s Bloeitijd. ’s-Gravenhage: Martinus Nijhoff.
Itterzon, Gerrit Pieter van. 1931. Het Gereformeerd Leerboek Der 17de Eeuw: “Synopsis Purioris Theologiae.” ’s-Gravenhage: Martinus Nijhoff.
Lamping, A. J. 1980. Johannes Polyander: een dienaar van Kerk en Universiteit. Leiden: Brill.
Sepp, Christiaan. 1873. Het godgeleerd onderwijs in Nederland: gedurende de 16e en 17e eeuw. 2 vols. Leiden: De Breuk en Smits.
Sinnema, Donald, and Henk van den Belt. 2012. “The Synopsis Purioris Theologiae (1625) as a Disputation Cycle.” Church History & Religious Culture 92 (4): 505–37.
Tukker, C. A. 1974. “Vier Leidse Hoogleraren in de Gouden Eeuw: De Synopsis Purioris Theologiae Als Theologisch Document (I).” Theologia Reformata 17: 236–50.
———. 1975. “Theologie En Scholastiek: De Synopsis Purioris Theologiae Als Theologisch Document II.” Theologia Reformata 18: 34–49.
Velde, Dolf te. 2012. “Eloquent Silence: The Doctrine of God in the Synopsis of Purer Theology.” Church History & Religious Culture 92 (4): 581–608.
———. 2015. “‘Eén Middelaar van God en mensen’ De eenheid van persoon en werk van Christus in de Synopsis purioris theologiae (1625).” In Weergaloze kennis: Opstellen over Jezus Christus, Openbaring en Schrift, Katholiciteit en Kerk aangeboden aan prof. dr. Barend Kamphuis, edited by Ad de Bruijne, Hans Burger, and Dolf te Velde, 79–88. Zoetermeer: Boekencentrum.
Walt, B. J. van der. 1984. “The Synopsis Purioris Theologiae – Is It Really so Pure? Philosophical Impurities in the Post-Dortian Theology.” In Our Reformational Tradition: A Rich Heritage and Lasting Vocation, 378–423. Potchefstroom: Potchefstroom University for Christian Higher Education.
———. 2008. “Imago et similitudo Dei : op soek na die betekenis van die mens as beeld en gelykenis van God vanuit ’n Christelikfilosofiese hoek.” Koers – Bulletin for Christian Scholarship 73 (2): 207–46.
———. 2011a. “Die ‘suiwer’ gereformeerde teologie van 1625 sonder ’n ‘suiwer’ filosofiese grondslag: is dit moontlik? ’n Christelik-wysgerige ondersoek.” Tydskrif vir Christelike Wetenskap 47 (2): 1–33.
———. 2011b. “Flagging Philosophical Minefields at the Synod of Dort (1618-1619) – Reformed Scholasticism Reconsidered.” Koers – Bulletin for Christian Scholarship 76 (3): 505–38.
———. 2011c. “ ’n Onsuiwer mensbeskouing, kenteorie en wetenskapsleer in die Synopsis Purioris Theologiae (1625): ’n Christelik-filosofiese verkenning.” Tydskrif vir Christelike Wetenskap 47 (3-4): 49–86.
Wingerden, J. A. van. 2011. “Arminius en de Synopsis Purioris Theologiae: tucht als twistpunt?” BA Thesis, Utrecht: Universiteit Utrecht.
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