Last week, the Junius Institute announced a thrilling new project called “Digital Companions”. Jordan Ballor explains:
The idea for this project is to produce open-access digital editions of translations, enhanced with specialized and integrated hyperlinks, paired with the original language text.
As a matter of fact, the first “digital companion” is already available free of charge from the institute’s website. Unsurprisingly, it is a work by the institute’s namesake Franciscus Junius, namely his treatise De vera theologia (1613, engl. On True Theology). This work has recently been translated by David C. Noe (associate professor of classics at Calvin College, Grand Rapids, MI). In 2014, Noe’s translation was published by RHB together with a foreword from the pen of Richard Muller and an introduction by Willem van Asselt. Thanks to the Junius institute, this translation can now be read side by side with the Latin original. Moreover, the digital companion also includes embedded hyperlinks to other primary sources freely available online.
For more information click here.